Prepaid VAT and Import OSS for Online Orders to Europe
European countries are implementing rules mandating prepayment of VAT for e-commerce orders. The directive is part of the “Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe" to ensure VAT collection for international online orders. Jet Worldwide offers best in class shipping solutions for online orders to Europe and the UK from US and Canada.
Non-EU businesses and online sites must now collect EU VAT. Jet helps Canadian sellers ship directly from Canada to the European and Union via direct import processes.
Jet Worldwide helps Canadian sellers set up direct shipping from YUL, YVR and/or YYZ direct to CDG (or LHR for shipments to the UK) for direct import, no consignee import fees, and delivery by leading European carriers. While minimum volumes are necessary, the direct shipping solutions are scaleable using your existing warehousing and logistics infrastructure.
Expand your cross border transportation and logistics options. Grow your understanding of the how, why from a company providing logistics solutions for over 40 years! Strengthening your transportation team - even if you are a team of one! Consolidate your e-commerce for zone jumping direct to Europe.
Gain from a discussion with our seasoned professionals. Contact our team for an initial consultation.
Disclaimer: The information in this blog is for general information only.
What is the cheapest option for shipping online orders to Europe?
The cheapest option for sending online orders to Europe depends on a the size and weight of your package and service option. Generally, the cheapest option for shipping low volume of small packages is via Canada Post surface.
How can I get Canada Post surface costs but with faster delivery?
Building. a low cost shipping solution to Europe involves consolidating orders and sending them via direct air freight from YUL, YVR or YYZ.The challenge shipping direct requires minimum volumes to be cost effective. But also, the opportunity of sending direct allows Canadian retailers to scale their sales direct from their Canadian facilities.
Can I benefit from duty free import to Europe from Canada?
Most consignments under €150 can be import duty free. Goods that qualify as Canadian origin under the European Canadian free trade agreement (CETA) can benefit from duty free import regardless of the value.
Read more: Customs Duty and calculations.
Do I have to pay VAT for duty free shipments to Europe?
Yes, VAT applies to all imports to Europe.
Can ship via DPD to Europe and the UK?
Yes, Jet Worldwide provides access to DPD Europe and the UK. DPD brands include Seur (Spain) and Chronopost (France). Contact our team for details.
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Canadian online e-commerce merchants can ship direct to Europe with no charges to the consignee via Jet's direct import to Europe processes. Minimum volumes are necessary.
Among the main changes are provisions for online marketplaces acting as the "supplier."
Supplier: B2C suppliers of services taking place in the EU made by non-EU online sellers
As a supplier, the online marketplace will be held responsible for collection of VAT for online orders of up to €150. This new process, the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS), simplify the importation of online goods under €150.
Jet Worldwide will build your direct shipping solution from Canada and USA to European Union countries.
EORI Number for European businesses and IOSS
An Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number) is an E.U. identification number for businesses (economic operator) which import or export of goods into or out of Europe. IOSS applies to online orders to individuals while an an EORI number is part of the data set necessary for customs entries for businesses in all EU countries.
The EORI number exists out of two parts:
- the country code of the issuing Member State;
- a code or number that is unique in the Member State
VAT Rules for Imports to the European Union:
All imports to the EU are subject to VAT. E-commerce shipments under EUR 150 can import via One-Stop Shop (IOSS) processes that allow sellers and online marketplaces to charge VAT at the point of sale and remit it directly to the authorities.
- If not IOSS, the VAT will be charge to e-commerce customers by the importing carrier (plus an administrative/ pre-payment fee).
The Canadian e-commerce businesses and marketplaces will be able to register for a VAT account in only one EU country. Currently, sellers have to register in each country they sell and ship to.
Collection of VAT from point of Sale by marketplaces and online sellers
Online marketplaces or direct to consumer (DTC) individual sellers (who do not use an online marketplace) are the responsible party for collecting VAT for orders up to €150.
- Online merchants using several marketplaces to should keep records of their sales corresponding to the IOSS number/ customs declarant for the transaction.
The IOSS applies to online sales to all EU countries and Northern Ireland
EU countries include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. EU VAT rules for Northern Ireland are in the EU-UK Joint Protocol.
Canadian companies and e-commerce sellers can access register via the IOSS portal of an EU Member.
Businesses not already in the EU will likely need to appoint an EU intermediary to fulfill the VAT obligations.
For details on IOSS and the otherEU’s VAT rules, visit: Publications Office of the European Union.
The implementation of IPC’s ICS2 (Import Control System 2) or similar solutions, so that entry summary declarations on all parcels and packets entering the EU are made. Jet works with online sellers to offer Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) solutions from the US and Canada.The UK has similar VAT collection requirements. Online platforms including eBay and Shopify are having to adapt to support the collection of VAT to the EU and UK. Jet Worldwide works with shippers in Canada and the US to develop high-volume parcel import processes and last-mile delivery to Europe Union Countries and the UK.
New record-keeping requirements for businesses facilitating supplies of goods and services through the use of an electronic interface, including where the electronic interface is not a supplier.
Jet Worldwide is a global brand with worldwide shipping solutions for over 40 years.
- Jet Worldwide provides options for parcel shipping solutions between the USA and Canada and Europe / UK for online orders.
- Delivery VAT and Duty paid import for B to C e-commerce consignments
- Facilitate IOSS registration exclusively for Jet clients with best in class shipping direct form Canada with tracking and return solutions.
Read More: Certificate of Origin and taking advantage of duty free import to Europe.
Low-Value Duty-Free Threshold: €150
The good news is that shipments under €150 are not subject to duty. And many businesses can claim back value add tax paid. It is simply a matter of collecting the European countries VAT at moment of checkout.
Including VAT at check out for European orders actually gives credibility to the online site.
Intrinsic value: The €150 threshold is for the total shipment (not each item within a shipment and excludes shipping and insurance cost. For goods of a non-commercial nature the intrinsic value is the price which would have been paid for the goods themselves if they were sold for export to the customs territory of the Union. Products subject to excise duties).
Shopify, e-Bay and Shipping Online Canadian Orders to Europe
Jet Worldwide helps sellers find import and last mile delivery solutions to the European Union, UK, Japan, Caribbean, South American and Asia Pacific countries. Consult with Jet Worldwide to improve your international shipping for online orders from Canada and the USA.
Read more about HS Codes and shipping online orders
Shipping European Online Orders from Canada via DPD and Jet Worldwide
Contact Jet: For a quote for shipping online orders, provide details including shipping volume, item(s), average value and weight. The more details the better.